Footprints in Photos

By AnnaSpanner

Photos photos

This really is a lame photo today. I've been busy going through old pics trying to select ones for the gallery wall. My first digital camera was bought in dec 2002. I was shocked looking at the first images and realising that was almost 10 years ago. Since then so much has changed. I was quite emotional viewing some of the highlights of our lives again.

Rushed to the swimming pool this morning to secure the girls place in next terms lessons, race back home for the play date I'd arranged with some pals. A friend of mine told me a story about a little girl who's being neglected at home. The family are all trying to rally round and do their bit to support her mum but things don't seem to be improving. Some of the things my friend told me made me very sad and it's stayed with me all day. Can't stop thinking about her :(

Quick nap for L and we were out on the school run again and straight back to the pool for the big girls lessons.

Pharmacy, dinner, bath, lunchbox filling, spellings, book reading and bedtime routine, 5km run, shower, more photo selecting from my bed, fell asleep somewhere during the first 30mins of the pirates of the Caribbean film.

Found a lovely note in M's school diary from her teacher to say how well readings coming along. It feels amazing to get some positive feedback. When E was in year 1 we were still trying to persuade her to get we book out of her bag, let alone read it! J and I are not great readers and I realise we are missing a real joy in our lives. It would be a real gift if M had the ability to lose herself in a book.

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