Footprints in Photos

By AnnaSpanner

Bodily Functions and Feather Boas

My poor tummy has swollen up to the size of a full term pregnancy again. I don't think its anything serious, probably a food intolerance but I thought it best to pop to the GP anyway and get checked out.

Expecting to come away with some super strength Windeze or something I was suprised to instead leave with a bit list of tests they want to do. First step to test pretty much every bodily output :S What a joy that will be lol! Hence the pot. And the big bad dark shadow behind it. Looks a bit daunting doesn't it. Nothing glamorous about the human digestive system!

Most amusing was my husbands face when I told him they were asking me to do a pregnancy test. Even though I was 100% sure it would be negative it still got my heart thumping a tiny bit as I waited in the silence of the waiting room until the lovely nurse confirmed it.

Anyway, absolutely nothing to worry about, no drama, no stress, just sharing the highlights of my day.

In other news, I've got a meet coming up with a fellow blipper, SunnyClouds. I've been chatting to Emily online for about 3 years now so it'll be nice to finally see her face to face. We're doing a burlesque photoshoot and I cannot wait to be surrounded by corsets and feathers, and thats just Emily's wardrobe ;-) Hopefully come away with some great shots, and if not, Emily can just send me a copy of hers.

Off to catch up on some of your journals. And remember, dont have nightmares (about the specimin pots!), and do sleep well

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