Wednesday: Open Your Windows

The weather has taken a really dramatic turn today.  Until this morning, it was really quite baltic, but this afternoon the sun emerged, temperatures have been steadily creeping up and offices threw open their windows to the beautiful fresh air.  Apparently, it is going to be 22 degrees this weekend.  

Thank you so much for your messages yesterday - I am reassured!  And my pal, Look, See, Click is right - there are definitely other things to worry about!

I think I may have to search out a doctor this week.  I developed one of these colds several weeks ago that won't go away and just hangs around, but it now seems to be developing into an ear infection.  If I tell you that I am foregoing the Irish National Day Reception this evening, you'll know it's for real!

You know, I do love this community!  You always know how to cheer a girl up!  And two lovely blippers (As She Sees It and People Twitcher) have written to me here!  Actually put pen to paper!   How nice is that?

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