Views of my world

By rosamund


As the end of another busy term approaches at work I find myself having to work hard to manage my stress levels.

Step 1 is to get out into the garden every morning and listen to the birds in the woods at the back while I hang out my washing.

Step 2 is to ensure that I get outside at lunchtime. Today I drove the short distance to Barrhead Dams to have a walk in the Dams to Darnley country park pathways. I ended up playing hide and seek with what I think was a chaffinch, but he kept flitting off before I could take his photo, or if he rested long enough on one brach, by the time I zoomed in, he was gone. It was a most pleasant way to banish workday stress and ensure I felt invigorated for the afternoon session.

Step 3 in my plan is to leave work at a reasonable hour, I failed miserably last night but was kind to myself today and was home by half 6, including a quick stop at Tesco.

Step 4 is to get to bed at a decent time, we'll see how that one goes.

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