Views of my world

By rosamund


I had another busy but productive day at work.

For the last few weeks the focus has been on establishing our Woodland Wonders group and developing the nursery garden to be amore exciting and challenging place to play. When I looked out my window and saw the children investigating, exploring, woodworking and walking back from the woods it made me so happy I just had to take a photo.

We have more plans for the garden including a fire zone, native hedgerow, bamboo maze and tyre track for jumping in, I'm especially excited about the tractor tyres which are on their way.

With all the time and effort beginning to pay off I can spend some time at my computer catching up on 'real work'. It's amazing how much I can get done, and how focused I can be with my window open and the happy sounds of children at play drifting in from outside.

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