
By Juli

No worries.

Tuesday's blip showed my daughter, who'd been sent home from school with a bad tummy. What followed that afternoon was a bit of a panic (well, I panicked inside - outwardly I was all 'calm reassurance'!) when she started weeing blood and it hurt so much she was screaming.

Off we went to the doctor, who confirmed a 'waterworks' infection and that, thankfully, the other symptoms were perfectly normal and he sent us on our way with a prescription for penicillin. Panic not quite over, though, as I couldn't get hold of the parents of the child I was supposed to collect from school to say I wouldn't be able to make it, I thought my son was going to have to miss his Beavers investiture and I had to cancel what I was supposed to do on Wednesday.

Still, of course everything worked out fine in the end and the patient is feeling much better. Waking up to the news of that horrific coach crash in Switzerland certainly put a minor bladder infection and a couple of changed plans into perspective.

As for my picture, this is one of nextdoor's many, many semi-feral cats who will be spending the next few months stalking my poor moorhens - my back fence providing a panoramic view of the pond.

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