A day in Paris or not...

By ellebasi

Misty morning

I woke up too early this morning.
I didn't know that despite the bright sunny day, I would meet so dummy people (I try to be polite...)

I don't often tell stories about me, but this one drove me mad:
I was getting my new ID, the lady at the desk told me:-" yes I have a card with the same name but it's not you"
-"well show me, please..Yes it's me on the picture"
-" No, I don't recognize you, is it an old photo you gave?"
-" YOU took my photo when filling the files, it's me! and you were not shocked a month ago"
-"ok I give it to you, but you will have problems with this card" !!!!!!!

the first Blipper who writes "you got very old within a month", I kill him, ok?

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