Red Squirrel


Spring is Sprung (It's Official)


Just typical! I'd planned to go back today and re-blip the 'shrooms I'd found in front of County Hall yesterday, had snapped and planned to blip - until the setting sun on the way home from work changed all that. I know pretty much where I'd found those 'shrooms, so went to locate them lunchtime - and could I find them? Could I heck! The best laid plans and all that ....
Though today started grey, cold and very misty, by lunchtime the mist had cleared and the sun was out - on the way from work again tonight the sky was very much like last night, and the sun descending in the same way, so I thought maybe I could get yet another full sun shot for my blip. I pulled into a layby off the A47 and took a few pics, but really wasn't too happy with the overall scene from there. Then, just as I was walking back to my car, I saw this little Cowslip in the grass. Just the one of them. But to me it signifies that spring really is just about here now! Yahooooo! About time too .... not long now and Easter hols will be here, soon the Bluebells in Foxley wood will be abundant and I can go there for blipping. I can't wait ...... (and who knows, a certain woodsman may even be there, wishful thinking, haha)

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