My Mini Adventure

By JJ46

Recovery - Day 1


Yesterday's spinal surgery was successful.

My amazing and talented surgeon has reported that he removed parts of my C7 and T1 vertebrae in order to reach and remove most of the tumour that has been seriously affecting my C8 nerve root and pulling on my spinal chord. He did not remove it all as he said my right arm would have been partially paralysed. As it is, some of the nerve had to be sacrificed so, although most of the feeling will return, some may not. Time will tell. Histology results in a few days.

So... currently in lots of pain but the nurses on the ward are keeping me topped up on painkillers.

Balloon in the photo is from my lovely husband, N. My dad and brother also visited which was good, even though I was pretty much out of it. Mum is at home, still recovering from her operation last week and can't travel.

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