The journey continues...

By Lbell


Spanish classes as per usual, 10 minutes late as per usual.

Then it was back to the flat for some leftover spagbol for lunch and to meet the rest of the BX crew for the beginning of the design of this month's magazine issue.

Carina and I spent a good part of the day walking to the Immigration office and back to extend my tourist visa and become legal once again. I now have 1 more month to stay in La Paz, and I can't believe that I've already been here for a month so far!

I spent the later part of the afternoon editing photos and trying to find some cholita wrestling ones for my article. Gato, a photographer and magazine designer, spotted some of my photos leaving me well chuffed, especially considering they were photos that I didn't look twice at. He even chosen one for the BX advert for this month.

The rest of the day was a bit lazy. We all fell asleep around 6 for 2 hours! We were too sleepy/lethargic to go to the supermarket so Carina had porridge for dinner and Helena and I made up a random concoction - standard - of mushroom soup and baked potato with fried onions and Philadelphia, which was surprisingly yummy. We spent a few hours chatting with Rodrigo and his friend before heading to bed to watch 2 episodes of 'One born every minute' which I have now fallen in love with and 'Take me out', meaning that we didn't end up going to sleep until 3am!

Pic: my rose from International Women's Day :)

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