Always inconstant...

By bikeyPete

Unused hallowed ground...

In what do we believe in? And, indeed, what does it mean to believe?

I have no religious beliefs, I know how I feel about things spiritually, my faith in humanity, my willingness to forgive and not to bare a grudge, but what does all that mean?

I stood looking at the small church in the middle of town, its form, designed to focus your passions into spiritual fervour and yet so many locks, chains and bars surrounding it. No lights or signs of life. An empty building....the shops...well, thats another story.

Although my early life was dominated by the church and its affiliated organisations, my mind and independence lead to too many questions. I was cast adrift at such a tender age, left to figure it all out for love of knowledge and books became my spiritual Mother and Father.

It is not my intention to disturb others....but religion has no place in my life and yet I mourn the loss of it in the wider sense. Shopping, footballers, fashion, possessions are the demigods of our day and I am saddened by the state of things.

In people I see such hope, such caring, such passion and love and yet incredible loss of direction, no idea of a spiritual side of this wonderful existence. I looked about me....I stood on hallowed ground...barren and infertile.

My mood was somewhat sombre until I saw two old ladies greeting each other, the warmth and affection filling the air around old and frail bodies filled with life....full of memories, experience and care.

So, here we all are....floating in space on the most sacred of hallowed ground...The much many locks.....whats it all about.....don't ask me!

Jokingly, I once asked my Nephew what life was about.....he said.........Ice cream! haha five year olds...crucibles of truth!

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