just a Moment in the wood

By wavingarms

Unleash the inner pirate

Sometimes it's sun-dapled forests. Sometimes it's misty mountains. Sometimes it's surprising abstracts. Sometimes it's wonderful wildlife.

But today it's my pirate flag!

I fly my flag on my car arial. Well, I have reached that point when I can be found bemused in supermarket carparks, trying to remember if I came by car, let alone where I might have parked one. Nowadays I simply 'look for the pirate"!

At Christmas, I managed to be the only red car in town, probably Argyll, to have a red nose and antlers. I got some admiring looks, but admittedly more looks of sheer distain!

I know pirates were deeply nasty, unromantic people, and I don't really like Christmas, but sometimes you have to grow up to be a child again. I love my pirate flag. I love being able to do what I want to do, and if someone thinks thats childlike, or even childish, well, that's more their problem. I'm enjoying life.

So, when I dashed out of school (and have only just arrived home at midnight!), I caught sight of my pirate flag and a smiled because, when life is so serious and full of important things, I need having the reminder not to take it all too seriously. I guess not many people go to their grave wishing they had been more serious, or worked harder and longer at their job. I want to get there and say, "That was fun. Can we do it again"

I want to be a pirate. And Peter Pan! Hope you all have a swashbuckling weekend. Harrr!

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