Certainly Uncertain

By shyBadger

They're All Tricks

Corra nailing her 'Meercat' trick :3 She's been doing this behavior since she came home, and I've seen other Cardigans seem to be naturally inclined to do it. I've been working on trying to capture this behavior for quite some time (with varying consistency on my part), but finally last night it seemed to click. Now she is a meercatting fool!

We didn't end up going to the beach today :( Unfortunately it was colder than predicted and completely overcast (until around 6pm ... when I got this shot). Oh well, one of the next upcoming weekends will hopefully be nice enough. There is just such a small window of time that dogs are allowed on the beaches during the day, I wanted to get there as often as possible this year.

Tick Death Count: 8

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