Glory Days...

By emkingcol

Come here!

Day 2 and can't really grumble. Had a family meeting when the wife went off yesterday and told the girls that I will look after them if they look after me. Basically that means you can do what you like as long as you behave the whole weekend!

It worked. They have all been a pleasure to be with and arguments and tantrums have been kept to a minimum.

Today we were out and about early. Big thanks to the wife for arranging piles of clothes for them. That is the one thing that stresses me out and the usual outcome is that Evie will be in mays clothes and vice versa. Not a huge problem but could be if I involved the boy as well.

Anyway, stagecoach run went smoothly and a trip to asda and the hamster shop passed the time nicely, albeit expensively. That bloody hamster has more treats than I do.

Got home, grandpops came round for a bit then off to spotted giraffe again (see yesterday's blip). Much more bearable this time as had Nige for company.

Happy meals finished the day for the children and then a night in front of the tv for me.

All in all, a really good weekend. Loved being with the kids. Really miss the wife though. Can't wait to see her tomorrow!

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