Tussock Tales

By TussockTales

Sailors Warning

This blip happened while I was still cosy in my house under the stairs. I woke up to sounds of The Boss walking around upstairs and then opening windows. The whole affair happened without any input from me so I will not be surprised if no-one rates it highly or offers multiple hearts etc. BUT you can if you feel inclined as The Boss likes that kind of stuff. (hand that feeds clause)

It blew a lot last night and there was a touch of rain but things were still warm this morning and it was a busy day for all so I amused myself by exploring the darkest areas of the garden, barking at possible intruders and getting totally covered in green sticky stuff with little balls in it. The Bossess was delighted and spent 30 minutes "de balling" me. That would be funny if I was a boy Eh! OUCH!

Wanaka can see some great sunrises but this is the best The Boss has seen in a long while. You have to be up and running as it is all over very quickly.

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