FIGGY's Sporadic Blips

By Figgy

Lendrick Lodge ......

...... between Callander and Brig 'o' Turk describes itself as a Holistic Retreat and Spiritual Centre for Yoga, Reiki, and Shamanism. I know nothing about such things.

Tibetan Prayer Flags flutter in this small copse by the stream that runs through its grounds. I understand they are used to promote peace, compassion, and wisdom, the energy of the prayers and sacred mantras on the flags blowing in the wind bringing joy, happiness and good health to all who see them.

Made from cloth squares in blue, white, red, green and yellow the flags are decorated with images, mantras, and prayers. Each flag is left fluttering for a year before being renewed.

At the center of each prayer flag, there is an image of the Wind Horse and on the 4 corners are images of a Garuda, Dragon, Tiger, and Snow Lion, the four sacred animals representing wisdom, strength, confidence, and joy.

The five colors of the flags represent the five elements and are arranged from left to right in a specific order starting with the blue on the left.

Unless anyone out there knows better...........

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