Our Little Lady

By theLifeofFernie

A Happy Mummy's Day to all you mummy's.
I decided to start ours fantastically,
Up at 2, 4 and then fully at 5am,
Full of snot, if any one want's any?
I helped mummy open her cards,
I chose both, the one from bubba,
and the one from me,
so it's only right I open them too!
Daddy and I were kind,
we went asda, and let mummy go back to bed,
when I got home, I slept too,
poor daddy was left cooking dinner.
But I'm poorly and it's mummy's day,
so he should be running round after us!
it's been a long day, lots of cuddle's
and snotty nose wipes on daddy's leg,
Hope you all had lovely day's xxx

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