Mothers Day

This morning, Dad and I got up and went downstairs to make breakfast. We let Mum stay in bed a bit longer. I went up to tell her when everything was ready. I gave her a big bunch of flowers and a bag of special gifts I've been making all week at nursery - a picture of a heart made using my hands, a laminated imprint of my hands with the date on it and a little box of Roses. And I card. I wrote "To Mum, LOVE from Orla xxx" in it, all by myself (with a bit of help from Dad!). I even told him that I wanted to write LOVE in big not small letters.

We had a picnic in the car in the Crow Road car park. There's a lovely view from there. I love picnics, they are my favourite kind of meal. After our picnic we went for a walk in Campsie Glen. I had loads of fun throwing stones into the water. When we came home Mum made tea for her family - roast beef sandwiches, mushroom tart, blueberry muffins and strawberry tarts. Gran got nice flowers too and a big box of chocolates. Mum asked me what I thought of her muffins. I said "hmm, they're okay". Just okay, she asked, "yes Mum, just okay."

After tea I played Wii Sports with Dad, Papa, Uncle Scott and Stephen. I love doing that, it's so much fun.

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