What another rant?

By JohnA

Spring's here!

Been wanting to capture the daffs up by the cathedral this week, but never been home in time from work for the light. So when I went out cycling today I took my camera. This is my first ride for three weeks, and it was tough. I have got so unfit in that short time, still the weather was nice, and I stopped a few times which made it easier. Need to get fitter as the serious racing season is starting soon. Not sure I am up to it this year though.

My stops were for the camera as much as a rest! Going through the coutryside I spotted a grassy bank with these lovely flowers covered in dew. Passers by must have thought I was made - this lycra clad old boy creeping through the daffs on hands and knees!

When I got home, I had another try too in the garden: narcissus.

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