youngies journey

By youngie66

Gilmerton Cove/Secret Underground Tunnels

Well I decided to do the tour of The Gilmerton Cove in Edinburgh it is a series of tunnels and chambers underneath Gilmerton there is still no definitive answer to who carved them but they are at least 300 years old possibly much older they were all sorts of rumours to who used them including freemasons, covenanters hence the name cove also the knight templars,an illegal drinking den or even a witches coven amongst the many theories but it was really interesting and to top it off the Scottish TV news crew were there to do an article on it as it is now the #1attraction in Edinburgh according to Trip Advisor anyway I was roped in to being put in front of the TV camera's along with another person to be interviewed on our thoughts my thoughts were I hope they dont put my mug on the telly as I will get pelters from my workmates but it was an interesting visit and my shot is of a kind of room where you all sat maybe with a drink or for some sort of ritual who this is my blip for the day

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