Early Evening Sky

It was hard working cycling home tonight, where do these sudden winds keep blowing up from in the middle of the day?! I only really looked up when I reached the safety of Bents Lane and it was then that I noticed the gorgeous early evening light on everything. I blipped light on walls, light on farms, light on pylons but then the sky did this and so I blipped this too. Another one off to Paul the Weatherman. Just realised that our street features on the bottom left hand corner. Look in LARGE.

Some of you who drop in regularly may remember my teaser a couple of weeks ago? Just received an e-mail to say I'm on, on 1st April!! Hope it's not an April Fools. So if you are a child of the seventies and you listen to Johnnie Walker's Sounds of the Seventies from 3pm - 5pm on Radio 2 then on 1st April my, 'My 70s' will feature!

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