For the family

By RonaMac


We hadn't seen this black kitten in the garden for weeks and were concerned for his welfare. But he appeared this lunchtime and hid under the table on the lookout for the birds. I got distracted and he got bored, so I didn't manage to get any better shots than this.
Last year

It's been a good day so far:

Visit to town for hair appointment and shopping - done.

Home for lunch, some emails and phone calls - done.

Email inviting me to speak on a course in Kraków, Poland in November!!!
I'm thinking about it....I'm sort of semi retired, but having agreed to do Beijing in October, I might as well maximise on the preparitory work that is required for that and do Poland as well.
The bonus for Poland is that they will pay my expenses!! Normally you get these invites to speak and have to cover your own costs....expensive!!!

Book club this afternoon, so time for an update on everyone's news.

List "to do" compiled for this evening?..

The cold that kicked off yesterday afternoon appears to be subsiding....fingers crossed. Keep taking the tablets!!!

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