For the family

By RonaMac

Looking better

The wreck of a sewing box is almost finished. Just needs a hinge inside to complete it and then I can show you the lining tomorrow.
Previous state

Spent the afternoon at Addenbrooke's Hospital for a planned Out Patient clinic appointment

Waited until 6pm to be seen for my 4.30 clinic appointment and it took all of 10 minutes for the doctor to recommend that my friend "Herbert" be removed!!

We have cohabited for ages and it was the fatty food in France in December that brought him to my attention. He has been well behaved since and I had expected to be told that they would leave him alone.

So now on the waiting list and do not want to hear from them until after my holiday!!

The doctor apologised for the 15 week wait for the appointment (should have been 4), but didn't say a word about the 90 minute delay in clinic.

Thankfully I had taken a good book to read!!

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