Mummy & Daddy are doing a lot changes,
making the house tip top they say,
** shakes head, Nope don't ask coz I don't know either**
I also have no understanding,
**well I am only 2 after all!**
But I can help out as you can see here,
**Pppffttt running off with stuff is so helping**
They have started repainting the kitchen,
**Finally my eyes are safe from that awful red**
The downstairs toilet is back normal
**well normal to normal people!**
and now they are tidying up the garden,
**attacking daddy with fork is helping, hmph**
causing mischief and mayhem,
**well what else can you expect from me!**
So whatever them parents are up too,
**shrugs shoulders**
who cares, long as they are distracted!!
**runs off to finish eating mud**

I have also been in one them serious grump moods,
you know the one's that drive you up the wall,
Nothing and I mean NOTHING, is good enough today,
Food, shopping, walking, TV, music,
Nope, not having any of it,
the only thing that raised a smile,
was a convo between mummy and I,
which resulted in me realizing,
tomorrow I see Nana and Gramps,
Cue a dancing me across the room!!

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