Simply Me

By Suze981


Twice a day I pass this little guy on the way to and from work.

He catches my eye every single time and I always imagine he's the top of a landmine concealed underground. Because of this I'm always careful not to step on him in case I lose a leg.

I know I say this in jest, but there's a serious point to be made here.

Land mines kill and maim hundreds of people every year, in over 40 countries or territories. People live in fear in these countries. For more information about the UN work for the removal of landmines, check out this website

We're so lucky to live in this country. You hear about atrocities all over the world, it makes me think about how lucky I am to have been born here and have this life.

If anyone knows the purpose of this little guy, don't tell me. I think about how lucky I am every day when I see him. I don't want that to change.

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