Vive la Vie

By gillybxl


The HS has finally been demolished. I have been fascinated watching it disappear.

Today has been a strange old day. A day of highs and lows.

We started the day giving my Mother-in-Law and Sister-in-Law a tonne of instructions concerning the kids as unfortunately we have had a day full of appointments and Teacher-Parent Learning conferences that didn't finish until 7pm. I hated the fact that I wouldn't be able to spend any time with my kids today. However, it doesn't happen very often and I knew that they would have a good time.

Our first appointment was at the creche to meet with the manager to discuss D. We had a really good meeting and she told us some hilarious stories concerning D and his little group of pals and what they get up to during the day. All of the children have at least one Francophone parent but it seems that D is quite influential and the little group are all obsessed with cars. In fact they refuse to say "voiture" and insist on saying "car" much to the amusement of the parents and carers. Anyway, after much deliberation we have finally come to a decision about D's future and we are now very happy and relieved with our choice.

Next we had a meeting with O's teachers which was fab. Seems they have to give her further challenges as she grasps things very quickly. They actually thanked us for having her and for letting them teach her! She must only be a stubborn strong willed little madam at home. Wouldn't change her for the world!

Then we started our own Learning conferences. On the whole mine went really well until approx. 4pm when I had to deal with an incredibly aggressive parent and student who didn't understand the school assessment policy, and wouldn't accept the grades given. I was actually shaking at the end of the conference as they were so rude to me. The parent has now been reported and the leadership team have given me their full backing and are now dealing with the situation.

Also it was a beautiful day today - approx. 20 degrees and I was stuck inside for the entire day! Hope this weather lasts.

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