Lying on the desk.

Having made the decision to move to mac, I now have to think about software. I like CS4, but I don't have a version that's mac compatible so I am faced with the prospect of buying an updated version.

Alternatively I could go for the much less expensive aperture - and throw in the NIK collection of software as a plugin - and still come home with spare change in my pocket. Have downloaded a free trial of aperture meantime. All so very different though. I also like the control layers give me and as I don't have much time to play with the camera these days, I don't know that i really want to be trying to learn a completely new package.

Anyone got any thoughts?

In other news; with the passage of the NHS bill yesterday I am again so glad we're living north of the border. Also sickening to hear tonight that only just over one pound a week goes from the average tax payer into the pockets of the unemployed. That's less than the price of a cup of tea. Certainly not painted in that light by the government. Still, why tell it like it is when you can use the unknown to whip up prejudice and hysteria.

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