must try harder

By halfcj

End of another day.

Finally, broadband problems solved. I'm left with the faceplate of my main socket hanging off. It seems that the fact the socket wiring is officially cattle trucked is my problem...not BT's.

"Well yes Sir, we did install it (a matter of only 12 months ago), but it's on your property. Your Problem!" says the Indian call centre lady called Lyndsey. I was too exhausted to ask questions.

The clincher was that she told me I could buy the face plate in a shop rather than booking a BT engineer, which would cost money. But..., I said, ...what about fitting all those tiny fiddly wires into the face plate? If you're not comfortable, you'll need to get an engineer for that...she says.

Of course. Silly me. Where can I get one of those?, I asked.
Funny, just at that moment, my finger slipped on the phone pressing the 'end call' button, so didn't get to hear her answer.

The sunset brighten up my day.

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