Pelzel Barber Shop and Salon/Firewood For Sale
Today I went to a co-worker's father's memorial service. If this kind of thing can be said to be good, this one was. The service was an hour and a half drive north from Fort Worth. Almost into Oklahoma. Rather than take the freeway back home, I took an old highway. As I passed through Pilot Point, Texas, I noticed that they were trying to revitalize their town square. Unlike many of these old towns, there was central court house. Just a series of neglected old buildings built between 1870 to 1890. I found this barber shop entrance the most photogenic part of the square. I love the red. Really loved the add for the firewood in the window.
- 0
- 0
- Nikon D60
- 1/100
- f/6.3
- 38mm
- 200
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