W.E. Flyer

After a morning of fruit/veggie stands, and lunch at a place called Firstwatch, I headed to my favorite fish company at 4:30 p.m.

I don't know if it's the hot weather or what, but let's just say the place is "ripe." The smell was so bad in a couple of spots that it watered my eyes, and also made me spit up a little in my mouth. Especially those crab traps that sit there for years. WHEE DOGGIES!!! THEY STINK!!! To get away from the building and the traps, I went out on the far dock.

4 fishermen and one fisherwoman (?) were doing some kind of work on a medium-sized boat. One thing you quickly learn about visiting the working docks is this: If the "F" word offends you (and I don't mean FISH), then you probably shouldn't go there. I haven't seen a fishermen fight this year, and I always see one. The words flying out of those fights actually hurt your ears.

I got a lot of flying birds today. Pelicans, sea gulls, buzzards, snowy egrets, blue herons, and this giant white egret.

The pelican is still my favorite shorebird, but...for sheer beauty with just the hint of royalty...the giant white is hard to beat.

Click on LARGE for a look at the eye.

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