The Redhead

I decided to return to the scene of the crime today.

16 days ago, I ventured off the path, and took a thorn in the shin. It festered and had to be cut out, and the cut had to be packed. It is now nearly closed, and I'm just about to quit wrapping it. I just picked up my nurse (wife) at the Tampa airport, and I'm going to have her take a look at it.

When I took the thorn...I was hot on the trail of an osprey. Such a regal bird...even when they're ripping apart a dead fish. I saw the same nest and bird today, but since I'm so much smarter than I was last week...I stayed on the path...or at least close to it.

I was going to settle on a shot of the osprey... when this woodpecker noisily arrived. Not fish-eating royalty, but still a pretty bird.

I spiffed up the condo before Lisa got here. She just finished off the fruit salad I took to the building brunch this morning. It's nice to have my princess back.

To daughter...the title was for little redhead.

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