All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

"Baby Eden"

I really need to stop calling Eden "Baby Eden" now she has turned one! Even Ethan simply refers to her as "baby!

I wasn't feeling at all well today. Have felt like I'm coming down with something for the past few days and overnight it has hit me. Ethan ended up sleeping in my bed all night with me, whilst hubbie was relegated to Ethan's bedroom. But for once Ethan slept well while I tossed and turned all night in a hot sweat. I worked from home again and spent the day curled up at the computer with my dressing gown and a hot water bottle.

Foreveryoung, Mr Foreveryoung and Eden popped over late afternoon so hubbie could put Ethan's car seat in their car (as Foreveryoung is going to drive the kids over to Granny and Grandpa's cottage tomorrow for them to stay overnight). By then, I was feeling worse and worse - by 5.30pm I admitted defeat and went to bed.

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