End of an era

They're demolishing the bridge that takes me from one side of King's Cross to the other. From a selfish point of view, I'm gutted - it's going to add precious minutes on to my journey as I will have to go all the way around King's Cross, instead of through it, to get to work. The new King's Cross station won't even have a back entrance so those of us who arrive at St Pancras will have to go around King's Cross - most of us at work and in the surrounding area have signed a petition. Let's hope they'll take heed and add a back door.

And I really like this bridge. The station owners haven't improved it for years and years, but it dates from the original Victorian station, and holds large station clocks at either end. The wrought ironwork is wonderful, and so are the wooden stairs. I'll have to blip more details before it goes. Is demolishing old for new a good thing? Couldn't they have incorporated it into their plans, or am I just being sentimental?

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