yeah, yeah but it's been a while............

it really has.
ok so this isn't my best smoke shot ever but i liked the simplicity of this one. no big trails or curling tendrils (that wasn't a bad word for just gone midnight) of smoke just a nearly solid looking line line. which i thought split quite nicely almost into a capital b.

my apologies to all for the serious non commenting but i haven't been in the mood and nothing i said would have been constructive in any way, so best to say nothing at all and go for a cycle and a chill in the graveyard with the can find one of those shots here. thanks again to bisk for the use of the IR filter. oh and benek sorry for not answering but i spoke to bisk and apparently he has told you what type it is. hope he was useful.

well this is blip 400 for me so that coupled with some odd twists to the day have left me feeling well i'm not really sure........the word discombobulated keeps running through my it a real word? could check online to see if it has made it's way into the dictionary but words seem meaningless right now. the power is all in the image (maybe not mine tonight) but it is in there. in your shots, all that you see.............maybe the next assignment should only allow the shot itself. no words, just the image. see if we can convey the emotion of that moment in our shots, whatever that moment is..................................just a thought.

any hoo will get back to commenting tomorrow as i am too tired just now.
thanks to all of you who commented the last couple of days. all your words are appreciated.......more than you'll ever know.

night folks

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