A confused genius

By Lez11

Oh I do like to be besides the sea side!

I caught the 9.26am to Birmingham today to begin the race against my best mate to st Ives. However the race started for me at 10.12 when I got my 2nd train of the day to Plymouth. Where as my mate was driving with 2 kids in the back playing up I was on a train drinking coffee and watching DVDs on my laptop, bliss.

At 14.30 my mate txt me to say he had got there, I was gutted, drinks on me. I think my mate cheated by starting out earlier than 9.30am.

I did enjoy my train ride though today especially when the train follows the coast line. Living in the midlands you don't get to see the sea very often.

I went for a walk into st Ives centre tonight with ash Helen and the 2 kids for a loverly pub meal. The picture is maddie, Ash's kid with st Ives in the back drop. Walking there I couldn't believe how green and blue the sea was, it was like I was in Greece or parts of Spain.

Oh I do like to be besides the sea side!

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