The essence of the mess

By SunkeneyedGirl

I remembered why I don't take blood tests... I have a tendency to fail them.

Vitamin B12 shots and iron supplements.
Do. Not. Like.

Worst thing about shots?
They expect me to bare a buttock and take it like a, well, like a very brave person indeed.
I am not brave.

Even worse thing than the worst thing?
No one is available to do my shots. These are not things that doctors do. Or nurses. Unless you happen to have a spare family member or close friend in the medical profession, you have to find someone who is capable of doing them for you.

Good news? I know someone who is capable of the painless injection.
Bad news? It's me.

Yes, I seized my courage in both hands, stood in front of the mirror, right buttock bared, in all senses, and there you have it...I survived. And I am indeed very good at doing the painless injection.

Most complicated part? Mixing the powder up with the solution.
Actually, that was easier than breaking open the little glass vials containing powder and solution. In fact, I cut my finger and that was far more painful than sticking a needle in my right buttock. Since I have to do this on and off for the next 3 months, I will endeavour to improve in that respect.

More good news?
I cannot self-medicate and take pictures.
Bad news?
I *did* try.

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