Beachlands Nickaz

By Beachlander

Back at the Farm

Happy St Paddy's day! We were invited for lunch back at my friend's parents' farm today. We had a fantastic time playing and spending time with all the family. They pretty much adopted us back when we were childless gad-abouts a long way from home, and always make us totally welcome.

The Youngest had a real dog fix today. Ruby (the red one) and Tess (the black one) are working dogs, but never turn down the opportunity for some loving. Ruby doesn't stay still very long, so I'm thrilled to have caught this lovely moment.

The surrogate grandparents babysat for us, and their own grandchildren tonight, while us lot went to a ceilidh. A new experience for the Husband and I, and it was so much fun! It brought back memories of folk dancing from primary and intermediate school. The Husband and I tried to spin each other so fast every time. Great day!

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