Beachlands Nickaz

By Beachlander

Our Lucy

Our Lucy is a dear dear lady. She's been for a visit to us here in NZ since we left Blighty, so we only thought it fair to descend on her...except her place is too wee, so we're all piling in on her parents. They've never met the girls, and the only other time they've met us, was when we gatecrashed one of Our Lucy's weekend visits when she was still living up in Leeds.

We spent the afternoon with Our Lucy and her fabulous fella at their place in Stevenage. Our Lucy had picked up this rocket to play with, so of course we had to take it to the local park. It was rather bracing!

Went out for dinner and then descended on mass to her folks' place. So hospitable, and Our Lucy's dad is a true gent and a character. "Carol will tell you..."

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