Beachlands Nickaz

By Beachlander

A "Boring" Day

Not sure if the flavour of our trip has translated through here, but we are having the BEST time!!! We're down to our last 2 days, and because we wanted to not finish our holiday with any goodbyes (I've shed too many tears!) so we told the girls we were going to have 2 boring days. I don't think they bought it, but our plans weren't ever found out.

We got in the car at Our Lucy's parents' place, and headed across to Windsor, where we "pretended" to be lost, so turned into Legoland. Oh Em Gee!!! The reactions from the girls when they saw it! The Eldest, on seeing the dragon atop of the entrance to the hotel asked if we could stay there next time we came. "No! We're staying there tonight!!!"

Oh, their faces!

What a fantastic place it is. The girls are tall enough to go on everything with an adult, and luckily our ratio for this holiday is 1:1. The weather is fine and totally springlike, and best of all, no queues as all the kids are at school here.

We even felt it was just about warm enough to brave the wet rides...did end up doing an interesting slow John Wayne style walk back to the hotel. Nowt a hot bath couldn't fix. AWESOME!!! Bring on day 2!!!

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