The Early Shift

A very early start this morning with a visit to the gym before the arrival of the haar, and then a session at the physio after its arrival.
The time on theTollcross clock allowed me time for this blip before being made to squeal as the smiling physio did things with my arm and shoulder that neither liked.

Nevertheless, she pronounced that it worked well for the recovery time involved and I would only need to see her again if it didn't improve any more. My arm and I skipped home in record time.

With the haar came a damp coldness which is hopefully going to burned off this afternoon. I wondered how long the sun umbrella was going to be needed after yesterday's wonderful weather.

Like some other blippers last night, I watched on tele the recording of the comedian John Bishop's journey from Paris to London under his own steam, all in aid of Sports Relief.

I suffered with him as he cycled from Paris to Calais, rowed the Channel with 3 others and then ran the rest of the way from Dover to London.

However I did think it was a bit unrealistic to have him cycling 187 miles on his first day. This took him much longer than he thought and left him with only one hour's rest before he had to catch the tide for crossing the Channel.

Watching his gruelling progress as he ran the equivalent of 3 marathons in as many days from Dover to London with a dangerously painful leg, filled me with so much admiration that I donated. This in turn filled his Lordship with admiration at my unusual generosity.

His Lordship, with wisdom, borne through years of athletic prowess, thought Bishop should have known what he was up against, and prepared accordingly.
I thought he probably tried to underestimate what was in store otherwise he would never have started in the first place.

Whatever, it was a "Very Well Done" by me to him for having raised £3.5 million for Sports Relief, and in particular, for vaccines for the slum children in Sierra Leone.

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