Sweet Child of Mine

By skip176


Rebecca has been waking every 2 hours overnight for a few weeks now.

I thought maybe she needed to start getting more than just milk. I don't really want to wean her now, I would rather wait until as close to 6 months as I can (Elizabeth was 5 and a half months). But she is pretty much twice her birth weight already. So I got baby rice and tried it, but she wouldn't have any of it. I was quite relieved.

Anyway, she slept better last night, so hopefully it was just a growth/brain spurt or teething... or some kind of phase.

Elizabeth has slept through in her own bed twice this week! I'm hoping this is going to start being the norm. Although I would prefer that she didn't wake before 6am (in fact I'd rather she left it until after 7am) for the day... I actually think it's helping having Rebecca in the room with her. Last night Elizabeth woke when I was feeding Rebecca. If I hadn't been there, she probably would have ended up in our bed, but I told her to lie down and wait for me to finish, and of course she went back to sleep.

Today Rebecca has decided to have 2 long naps instead of 3/4 short ones. I'm happy with that. I slept with her for 2 hours this morning. And I've got my prep done for tea and these photos done during this nap.

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