Simply Me

By Suze981

What do I do when I'm not running.?

Well today I'm either reading about it or watching it! Haha that makes me look really obsessive - I'm not it's just that now is about the time that I need a little inspiration. I'm having a break from the training, I think I might have overloaded my leg muscles so i'm not running until Sunday now.

I'm reading 'Born To Run' at the moment by Christopher McDougall. I'm only halfway through, but so far it's bloody brilliant. I love reading about ultra runners, they're absolutely bonkers, but also very awe-inspiring. Sometimes when I'm running and it's hard and I want to quit, I think of them. If they can run 100 miles+ over some of the worst terrain known to man, I can finish my run.

Lorraine at work also told me about John Bishop's Sports Relief Hell, that was on TV the other night. I'm watching it on catch-up right now. I really regret missing Eddie Izzard: Marathon Man when it was on TV so I'm not missing this one. It's amazing what people do for Sports Relief. I take my hat off to them. Awesome stuff!

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