Always inconstant...

By bikeyPete

Dost thou think....

Slings and arrows......

Well, outrageous fortune or not, sometimes you still have to take a few knocks.

After a very busy and frustrating week, today was very restful. I made myself busy with my exercises at the break of day and then off to work. The usual route, car, bike and then coffee shop.

The mist and fog hung in patches and gave some lovely pics for my choice of blip. I was in the process of staring at a wonderful river scene when I sensed danger, I just managed to move before an idiot cycling while texting and listening to his iPod crashed into me.

There then ensued a rather ugly scene between myself and the idiot. I will not go into detail but I left him with no short idea of what I thought of him!!

This sort of thing does not bother me and I was soon happily looking off into space dreamily thinking smiley thoughts. It did get me thinking later about how casual he was with his precious life.

It has long been a thought of mine that people are almost zombies now....dumbed down by technology, health and safety, crumple zones and all that stuff. Not living in the now.... feeling life pulse, surge and burn through them. Never awake fully. living as if in some kind of movie...with them as the main star.

If he had hit me, what, I wonder would have done? Would he have apologised? or gone strait to accusing me of some madness?

Any way, work was good as it invariably is and I headed home.

A chap had fallen off his bike on the route and I stopped to help. Both of the people involved had made errors and were shouting at each other!
I tried to get things resolved and in the end they went away having shaken hands...good!

We all screw up...we can all say SORRY...

A funny ol' day. It made me think of a quote from Twelfth Night.....

Dost thou think, because thou art virtuous that there will be no more cakes and ale?

We all live our lives according to our own the hell do we survive?????

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