Always inconstant...

By bikeyPete

When I'm old and grey...

This day, as well as many others will be in my memory for a long time, it will not fade or drift, the smells, the texture of the light through the trees will be as crisp for ever.

My lovely wifes family invited us to go with them to GO APE, an adventure park in Thetford forrest. We were blessed with the best of days, sunny and warm, the shoots of spring under our feet and the songs of hundreds of birds in our ears.
Strapped into our climbing harness's we zip wired through the trees, high above the forrest floor, shouting and screaming in sheer excitement.

Climbing up higher we overcame all the obstacles in the way and laughed with all the other people that were there, enjoying the thrill of it all. It has been dry for a while so we didn't get too dirty. Sliding down the long zip wires we crashed into the soft chipings on the landing mounds, I managed to land on my feet all but once.

Afterwards we sat in the High Lodge clearing and had a smashing picnic, chatting and making future plans for more fun.
I have the sincerest love for my family, they have welcomed me into their homes and hearts with such openness that it is bewildering.

In the car on the way home the sun was sinking into the ground, soft snoring from the girls floated behind my head, the gentle silence of trusted and loved ones filling the rest of the space.

Tonights blip is dedicated to them and my lovely wife.... for all the memories that will make me smile when I'm Old.

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