Views of my world

By rosamund


I thought I was going to have a disastrous day when I woke up with a headache and discovered Noah needed a packed lunch for which I had nothing in. A dash to the co-op meant I was 15 minutes later leaving than I would have liked and I had to stop for fuel on the way to work, however, the big roadworks on the m8 had NO QUEUE so I actually made up the lost time.

I took some painkillers and my headache shifted but I couldn't focus on computer work or formulate the sentences required to consult then children as I had planned so I deiced to spend the morning in the woods with the Woodland Wonders group. It was the best decision I could have made and I had a great morning watching the children blossom and flourish in the freedom of the forest.

I had to go to the bank and post office at lunch time and miraculously there was a perfect parking space and tellers waiting to serve me at both establishments. My afternoon meeting finished early enough to allow me to go to telco for all the easter stuff we need for nursery and again I got the best parking place in the whole of Silverburn and when I bought a scratch card to get change for the trolley I won £10! Carlos is convinced it must be my lucky day so for once I have put a couple of lucky dips on the lottery.

I'm just happy that I made it to Friday evening and now I can relax for a couple of days before the final countdown to a fortnight off. Today's photo is of the Barrhead Dams, the sun managed to break through the clouds a little around Newton Mearns but the rest of the Clyde Valley remained shrouded in mist.

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