Views of my world

By rosamund


Tonight's sunset made me think of paintings by JMW Turner,

The sun had struggled to break through the mist all day, it did manage for a little while but you could never really see the other side. It was lovely and warm though, a most pleasant day down on the coast.

I spent the morning knitting before the rest of the household stirred. We had lunch together then the children went off with their friends so I took the opportunity to hang out at the wool shop for an hour before meeting up with my sisters in law. We were supposed to be going for coffee and cake but ended up having wine and chips instead, afternoon decadence.

After our little interlude I went for a short blip walk on the front and stopped in to the shoe shop in Gourock to try on a pair of shiny shoes, they hardly ever have size 8's but they had the ones I wanted so the nice lady has kept them aside for me and I will treat myself next weekend.

The evening was also spent knitting and I finished the fairisle beret I've been working on to go with the mitts I just finished. At first I thought it was never king to fit but I washed it and am now blocking it on a dinner plate so should be a good size once dry. Busy day with the guild girls tomorrow so must get an early night tonight, especially as the clocks go forward, can't afford to lose the hour at the other end!

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