my eyes they cannot lie

By girlsonfilm

Friday I'm... a better mood.

After a teary pondering night the sun came out.

The sun makes everything a bit better doesn't it?

Girls went to school in 'sports wear' today. I spoke to them tonight and the day went well and their somewhat knocked together kit did not get them beaten up in the schoolyard. Of course that is an over exaggeration...but you know what I mean. I was relieved it went OK.

Work was good; Miss A back from her travels THANK GOD! Normal Service Resumed.

We did librarian stuff. THAT.

Pubs tonight, like old times in The Brit. Still love those mini bottles of wine...they make me feel like a giant :)

Totally thrilled today that someone special is getting well deserved recognition and opportunities. Chuffed to bits for him and so so proud.

The sun was shining all day - I should have taken my camera to work - but didn't so my phone blip will have to do!

Blip = approaching work

"A place for people and ideas"

I LIKE that


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