Sleepy Cherryblossom

By CherryBee


Emergency dental appointment today, have been in utter agony for over a week now. Can't even eat without overdosing on painkillers and even then only soft things I don't need to chew, so it's serious stuff!

Turns out it's not actually my awful teeth that are the problem this time it's an anxiety thing - I've apparently been gritting my teeth in my sleep and have inflamed the joint of my jaw bone and the muscles around it.
Really bloody painful but glad it isn't due to the terrible teeth. Most unusual.

I have a fairly tense disposition but I didn't think I was overly anxious at the moment? more than normal! Anyway, I have something to relax my jaw for the next couple of days so hopefully it will go away and I wont have to get a mouth guard or anything - so attractive. ;)

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