I said JUMP.....they said HOW HIGH!!!!!

It's back!! It has been fantastic weather here today so we decided to get the trampoline out for the kids....I guarantee we will now have high winds over the next few days because of this!!! Sorry folks hehe x

We have been to swimming lessons this morning, Megan to rookie lifeguard. They were not in the water but learning outside of the water - Megan was not impressed that she didn't get in the water today!! A dry swim they called it. Katie and Johnny went into the private lesson with Jodie today again and she says that they are doing very well although Johnny is a little nervous when on his back swimming and doesn't really like putting his face in the water - I think we will get him a nose clip and see how that goes??

The dog has had a ball outside with the kids today and is now absolutely knackered on the couch and Jessica was knackered too and in her bed at 6pm!! She will be up again at silly o'clock.

Enjoy the rest of your evening.


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