Star Jumps

Here is Jessica ready to go to Ryan's birthday party this morning. She wanted to show me her star jumps......which were fab obviously!!

You may know we went out last night to celebrate my sister, Gillian's birthday. drunk was I? and more importantly how hungover did I feel at 6.30am this morning when Amie and Jessica came in to wake me!!!!! Believe me the room was spinning and I had to lie horizontal! At 7.15am I sent Granny an emergency text........"you need to save me" lol... good as gold she came to my rescue and dealt with the kids.

Anyway after feeling sorry for myself for a couple of hours I then had the hangover cure.......tomato soup! Sorted me right out and I was then able to get myself in the shower and get ready for the day!!

I feel ok now just tired......I'm a lightweight and just tooooo old for this drinking lark! lol

Chilling on the couch now.

See you all later


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